“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Monday, May 31, 2010

Day Three 5/26/2010:

It was a national holiday in Ghana, so I didn’t have to work so one of my roommates and some other volunteers went to a near by town called Aburi to a wood market. It was about 20 stands that lined a road and had a lot of different wood carvings. Masks and figurines of all sizes, I brought 3 things, but I really wish I could have gotten more. But I have to fly home with already over weight baggage, plus I really want a huge mask or figurine which definitely won’t fit  We spent about 3 hours there and then went to have lunch in the town next to it. In Ghana, you have to get use to other people getting their food way ahead of you. One of my friends waited over an hour after us to finally get his food! After that, stopped at a fruit market (just some stands on the road) and got some oranges (that are green  ), pineapple (which is amazing), and some bananas (also amazing), the we headed back home.

We took a Tro-Tro to get back, they are this huge vans that have all this seating that are very cheap to take to places far away, but they are the scariest things I have ever been in. They definitely don’t care what side of the road they drive on, they use their horns to let other drivers know they are near or passing instead of a blinker, they drive fast and they probably could fit 10 comfortably plus the driver and the mate, but they will cram as many as 14-16 in them. But they are cheap so we go  Once we got to our junction, we got out and were greeted by a huge down pour of rain, so my roommate and I had to run under a shops porch for about 15 minutes and wait until it passed. Then just went to the internet café, walked around, went to a football game (soccer), came home and went to bed.

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