Monday, June 21, 2010
06/21/2010: Been Here One Month!
Today at work, it was super busy! I got there around 9am and right away I was watching a woman deliver her baby and an abortion happening in the same room at the same time, then Kelly and Nick when into the surgical room to see a c-section (I have already seen one and will get 100 more chances to see more). When they were in the surgical room, I saw 2 other women give birth and learned how to wash a newborn and set up the delivery room for a new delivery (there are pictures above showing the room). It was such an interesting day and time flew by!!!
Another doctor was there and Nick and I watched him do surgery on a woman that had an ectopic pregnancy and removed some “debris” from her other fallopian tube, he removed her entire left ovary (the one that had the ectopic fetus) and I’m not sure if that was totally necessary or that is how it is done in the US, but he did it. Also she was awake during the process, they only gave her a spinal injection to numb her from her mid abdomen and beyond. So he finished up with her and Nick and I went to find Ari who was with Dr. Asorri and he was performing what he called a “missed abortion.” This lady was “pregnant” for 6 months but not fetus had been produced. The egg was without a yolk he said, so he needed to remove the material from her uterus. Initially I thought she was crying out in pain, but they gave her 2ml shot of Ked amine which is a horse tranquilizer and used as a party drug and she was hallucinating! It was crazy, I had to go get the nurse to get a shot of Valium to calm her down, so they give them this upper and mix with a downer…sometimes they can’t even keep these women on the ward after the procedure because they are hallucinating so badly. It’s really crazy and it was hard not to laugh because this just seems to normal to everyone there. So after that, Nick and I went back to surgery to see a hernia being repaired (the surgical ward was too full, so more non-maternity surgeries were performed up there). Then my day was over and we will back tomorrow to see more deliveries and surgeries.
Monday, June 14, 2010
So it’s World Cup time and all of Africa has soccer fever! We watched the USA vs. England game on this stilled outdoor sitting area, with the game projected onto this white wall. I sat there with other Americans, Ghanaians, and Europeans, listening to the ocean waves crash against the beach and watch USA and England play. It was probably the first time that I planned out a day to revolve around a soccer game, but it was really cool to be a part of a culture that loves this sport. And the next time I listened to the Ghana vs. Serbia game on the radio in a Tro on the way back home and the game is broadcasted in a different language but I definitely could tell when people scored and when Ghana scored their goal, our Tro stopped and everyone in the town came running out in the streets, it was so crazy!! Hours blaring, people screaming, everybody was going crazy and they hadn’t even won the game yet. I got home just in time to see the rest of the game and my entire family was crowded around the TV watching it. They have such amazing pride for their time and for the first time I wished America was more into soccer. So I’m so excited for the next soccer game to come on :)
Other then that, just back to work, I’m in the maternity ward and I observed a girl getting an abortion, and on Friday of last week, saw a couple of C-sections. So it’s pretty busy up there and I get to see a lot of how this ward works, so I’m excited. We had running water at our house for about 5 minutes yesterday and I took a shower, but right after I put conditioner in I saw my water pressure drop drastically so I started filling up a bucket of water just incase the water did go and lucky I did because it definitely stopped so back to bucket showers.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Day Ten 6/2/2010
I am leaving tomorrow to go to Mole National Park with 5 other people and we are leaving Mamfe around 4am so we can catch our 9am bus. So packing tonight, and moving my stuff and hopefully my laundry will air dry fast because I need to pack that stuff for my week long adventure!!!
I just got back from my week long adventure around Ghana! We started at 3am, catching a Tro to Koforidua, where we caught another Tro to Kumasi, then we got into a STC charter bus to Tamale where we spent the night, to get up at 4am to get another Tro Mole National Park. But once at Mole, it is was worth all the driving! Mole is Ghana’s largest wildlife sanctuary, and it is largely flat savanna with a hotel combined on the land. There are more than 90 mammal species and at least 344 bird species. But the biggest attraction they have is the more then 800 elephants that claim Mole as home.
So back to the trip, we got to Tamale and this Australian man named Stewart (he was on the STC bus with us) decided to join up with our group of 6. We got a hotel there and it was decent for 11 cedis a night ($7-8), but it rained really hard that night and my room’s ceiling leaked all over the bed so I didn’t get the best night sleep! But we got up at 4am to get bus tickets from metro station, but the conductor showed up late and refused to sell tickets to us, so we had to baragin in the Tro drivers and they were asking $300 for the ride, but we finally settled with one from $128. We also picked up two Canadian girls named Victoria and Carolyn at the metro station. Most of the drive was ok, but the last 2 hours were hell, the road (especially during the rainy season) is filled with huge pot holes in the road and make for a really bumping ride, but we made it and it was just an amazing place. The pictures above show some of the place, the 6 girls got 2 rooms (3 each) and the 4 boys got a room together, we went for a walk into the park with our guide, but we didn’t see any elephants. Lots of African deer, baboons, birds etc, it was really great. The park is huge and isn’t gated off so these animals are free to come and go, but most stay here because it’s a good place to raise young.
We got up early the next day for our really trek into the park. We got to ride in an open backed vehicle and in about 2 minutes of the ride into the park, 3 huge male elephants walked across the road So we (just the girls) went on a tracking adventure into African wild to find the elephants. There are just a few of the pictures I took, but they are just the most amazing creatures alive! It was truly amazing to be standing so close to these giants, so it was definitely worth the 12 hour total drive it took. This place is a really cool place to go, the hotel was very reasonable, the food was good, the rooms were nice, there is a pool, and wild boar and baboons are climbing all over the hotel premise (we woke up every morning to baboons on our porch). So after two days at Mole we got up at 4am again to catch the metro bus to Bolgatanga/Paga area (which is at the very top of the western region of Ghana).
The northern part of Ghana has such a different atmosphere from the south, they are much more chill and the area is covered with farm land and adobe style huts. I really liked it up there, the people do try and sell you things, but they aren’t as persistent as the sellers in the south, and it’s really nice sometimes to just be able to walk the streets of a town and not being hassled into buying things. Paga features a crocodile reserve, so we took a 4 hour Tro ride (it was suppose to be 2 hours) up to Paga for the day to see crocodiles, and see the Pio’s Palace. The crocodile place was really cool because they get the crocodiles to come out of the water with live chickens and then they let ups hold their tails and sit on them to take pictures!!! It was so creepy being so close to a crocodile and actually touching it was so amazing, we had to pay for the cameras so a boy on the trip with us has a really nice camera so once he uploads them, I will get some up here. Went back to Bolgatanga for the night and got up around 8am to catch the STC bus down to Accra.
We got into Accra at 1am this morning and since no Tros are operating at this time we spent the night at the bus station, to finally get on a Tro at 8ish. So I am back home and even through this trip was super fun and really amazing, it’s good to be home. I will go back to work tomorrow and I think to Cape Coast this weekend.
Day Nine 6/1/2010
After that day, my roommates and I decided that a got hike was in order, so we hoped a Tro to a nearby town and climbed Bodi Falls. WOAH, was some parts pretty intense and just straight rock to climb up. We were all sucking air and pretty tried when we reached the top to a place called Umbrella Rock, which is you look at the pictures above, it’s a fitting name. It took about 40 minutes to get to the top and then we hiked to a little further in to see the 3-headed palm tree. Then we started our climb back down to see Bodi Waterfall, once we got to the bottom, we had to climb down 250 steps, but it was worth it. In the pictures you can see it is a twin waterfall and the bigger one is the female and the other the male. It was about 6pm so we decided to head home! It was good to get that hike in to release some of that energy after being in that maternity ward, but I’m heading there in a week so I better be prepared to see that more often.
Monday, May 31, 2010
Things About Ghana:
•The hospitals are dirty. The OPD is one large waiting room that sick patients wait, so first they are seen by the nurse, their vitals are taken and then they go wait in another long line to see the doctor. The nurse’s station is really just a cubical with a table and some instruments that are used to take their weight, BP, and temperature. As far as I could see the thermometer isn’t disinfected very well or at all at times. I had sure that when I was at the station I asked for some disinfecting alcohol and cotton swaps and wiped it off between patients, but I don’t think that happens every much when I am not there.
•The roof to the OPD is elevated from the rest of the building to let airflow through, but when it rains (which it did once) it comes pouring into the building. So the nurses and I went to the Injection Room and did vitals, but the patients had to stay out in the large waiting room, just getting wet.
•When they finally get to go in and see the doctor, the doctor says about 2 words, doesn’t really do an examination and sends them to the dispensary for medication. I realize that they have a lot of patients to see and most of them aren’t really that sick, but I am unsure how they are diagnosing UTI’s, malaria, and a wide range of other sicknesses without a single lab being done. That just would never happen back in the states and I guess that is exactly why I wanted to come to a developing country, because it is so different and I seriously feel very lucky. I also don’t want to say the doctors are being lazy, but out of the 4, one in particular seems to hate his job. He listens to the radio, says about 2 words to each patient, and sends them on their way. They all answer phone calls during their rounds and they often stop talking to the patient to ask me questions about me and President Obama. They work ethic here is just so different it’s hard to get use to it.
•Enough about the hospital, I have mentioned before how we get to some places around Ghana. There are line taxis and Tros, we usually take Tros to get to destinations that are far away because they are pretty cheap and hold a lot of people, but they are death machines Some don’t have working headlights, so at night it was so scary getting home, they can break down, they are big so they can tip easily especially when the driver is trying to pass, and they are kind of uncomfortable. But it’s the cheapest way to get around Ghana if you don’t have a car, so we take them. I haven’t had a bad experience yet, but I have heard some stories already. Line taxis are good for going short distances, but you have to ask about prices before you get in, because taxi drivers can really rip you off (especially if you are white), so it’s always a challenge to bargain, but it usually works out.
•People are always trying to sell you things on the side of the road….ALWAYS! You never get away from it, but after about 2 days you really do get use to it. Just say “no thank you” and they move on, but they are often handy on long Tro rides because the sellers are usually on busy streets so if you need water or food, they will come up to your window.
•The Ghanaian word for white person is “Obroni” and everyone calls us that. Little kids LOVE screaming “obroni” at us when we walk down the street and they follow us, wanting us to take pictures and stuff. \I might come back to the states with a complex because no one will be screaming “white girl” or “white sister” at me or want to take pictures with me But it’s a strange world here because I would never walk down the streets in the states screaming, “hi Asian” so it’s weird that it is so common here.
Day Eight: 5/31/10
Day Seven: 5/30/2010
Time to leave our little paradise and head on home, but before we left we took a boat tour of the river and the other land around, and got a tour of a run factory. Which really in a couple of separated places on a farm, but it really cool to see how they made rum (see pictures below), and then at the end of the tour we all took a shot of this rum It was really good, spicy and strong but definitely different from any other rum that I have had before, so my roommate and I got a big bottle of it for 10 cedi (about $7), you can see the picture below of us holding the bottle. After our boat tour we caught another Tro back to Medina so we could get another Tro back home.
Day Six: 5/29/2010
I wake up about 4:30am everyone morning in Ghana, so I decided to get up and go watch the sunrise and get a look at everything in the daylight. Here are some pictures from the place, it was amazing!! It is like a tropical paradise and in terms of American dollars really cheap, people would pay thousands of dollars to have this kind of experience and I maybe paid $50. This “resort” is located between the ocean and the Volta River (there is a place at the end of the beach where the river meets the ocean), but the ocean and some pretty wicked waves and a really dangerous undertow so Projects Abroad really advised against swimming in the ocean, but the river side is really calm and the water is so warm and amazing. I went with a group of 11, so we took advantage of our day off and went swimming and played water polo with some older South Koreans that showed up for the day, had lunch, laid in hammocks, took naps, ate dinner, etc. It was just so relaxing there, we were really the only group of people staying there so we pretty much had the entire “resort” to ourselves. I will let the pictures describe how absolutely amazing this place is
Day Five: 5/28/2010
Just another day at the OPD, but I left early because some friends and I are traveling to a beach called Adafo.
We all took a Tro to Accra Tro Station where we transferred to another Tro to get to the beach, it took about another 2 hours to get there so it was pretty dark when we got to the place, but there was a full moon out so it lit the way. And let me say this place is PARADISE!!! We had to walk about 20 minutes through this village to get to the “resort” but it was so beautiful. Once we got there we were greeted by the ocean waves crashing against the beach and beautiful white sandy beach that was really wide and so long. I can’t even really describe how beautiful it was and it was night time, but with the full moon out with was breath taking. We got to the place and had some dinner and found out grass huts and went to bed.
Day Four 5/27/2010:
For the patients that were getting routine check-ups, the doctor would ask them a series of questions and look for other signs and one questions that asked “are you sexually active? Yes or no,” if they say yes, we move on to sub-questions that asked “are you letting your partner know you are infected? Yes or no,” and about 15 said yes to being sexually active and no to letting their partner know because they are too embarrassed. I was so mad and frustrated, I mean I’m sure it’s the same problem in the rest of the world, but in a Africa were so maybe individuals are infected it is almost impossible to stop. I was glad I got to be a part of this clinic, but the stigma associated with this disease really prevents people from being open with their sexual partners and it really made me look at my own life and realize how truly lucky I am.
Day Three 5/26/2010:
We took a Tro-Tro to get back, they are this huge vans that have all this seating that are very cheap to take to places far away, but they are the scariest things I have ever been in. They definitely don’t care what side of the road they drive on, they use their horns to let other drivers know they are near or passing instead of a blinker, they drive fast and they probably could fit 10 comfortably plus the driver and the mate, but they will cram as many as 14-16 in them. But they are cheap so we go Once we got to our junction, we got out and were greeted by a huge down pour of rain, so my roommate and I had to run under a shops porch for about 15 minutes and wait until it passed. Then just went to the internet café, walked around, went to a football game (soccer), came home and went to bed.
Day Two 5/25/2010:
Along with being a nurse, I was taken aback by the sanitary conditions that are practiced there. As you can see in some of my pictures, the hospital is far from sterile and clean. I had one thermometer to use for all my patients and I only had dry cotton balls to clean them off with. I don’t know why I was so surprised, but I was and I was grossed out by the lack of just clean equipment. I know they are doing their best, but it just sooooo different from any of the hospitals in the states. Which is exactly why I came, after just one hour in this place I realize how damn lucky we are. So my day came to close and I really just wanted to cry because I was so stressed out and overwhelmed and I don’t like being bad at things (I am getting better at taking BP), but the nurse I am working with is just so sweet, so it definitely makes things better.
I came home, ate dinner and went to bed at 8:30pm.
Day One 5/24/2010:
It was quite an experience getting to Ghana, but I finally made it. I had the worst flight of my life and I can assure you that I will never fly with Delta Airlines internationally again. But that is all behind me because I am finally HERE!!
I had to the sleep at the Projects Abroad headquarters because I arrived so late (around midnight). So I was greeted by some very muggy weather and I hadn’t showered in 2 days, so once I arrived I quickly took my first African shower. Even through the water was more cold then warm and the pressure was almost zero it felt amazing!! I was so hot and tired that anything at that point felt amazing. After that I went to bed and quickly found out that my phone’s alarm clock doesn’t work anymore (I suspended my contract with AT&T while I am gone). So I kinda woke up late for my meeting with my taxi driver (he was driving me an hour north to Mampong), but he was very kind and didn’t care. So I left Accra and headed north and in the first 5 seconds of being in that car I realized that there is NO code for driving, no real rules, and everyone just does what they want. It was a little scary, but I am alive and here.
I meant my host family and their 3 young children, there are also 2 other girls staying here (other volunteers) which is nice because we work at the same hospital (which is across the street from where we live). I start work tomorrow, so I am excited to see what I will be doing.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Friday, May 7, 2010
Less Then 2 Weeks Away
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Mr. Frank Obuobi is a Computer analyst who works at the Centre for Scientific Research into Plant Medicine at Mampong. He also owns formating internet cafe in Mampong.
Other people who live in the house are Mrs. Akosua Ofei Obuobi his wife (house wife), Maame Esi Baffoe their daughter (2006), Kobby Ofei Obuobi their son (May 2005), Nana Yaa (2008) and Ruth Nfum (1995) who is a house help.
Akosua another househelp comes to the house to help but does not stay in the house.
The house is situated in Abotekyi (Mampong) about 5 minutes walk from Tetteh Quarshie Hospital in Mampong.
The house is also directly opposite Dr. Winful's residence.
The Akuapem Hills is at an elevation of 400m, and hence have a slightly cooler climate than most of Southern Ghana. Mampong has a post office, a market and a few bars and restaurants. There is much to see and do in the surrounding area including good hiking, mountain biking and visiting waterfalls and bead markets.
About My Room:
Frank hosts a maximum of four volunteers and your shared room will have two beds, fan, light and space for clothes. Volunteers have a private bathroom so the family do not share in theirs and basic cleanliness is satisfactory.
General Information:
Frank is keen for you to explore the region and is happy for you to go out in the evenings with other volunteers but not to return too late, so you do not disturb the family. They really appreciate it if you are home by 9:30pm.
Internet service is in this accomodation therefore volunteers with laptops will be able to browse.
Placement Details :)
Tetteh Quarshie Memorial Hospital,
P.O. Box 26,
Greater Accra Region
My Supervisor:
Dr. Owusu Acheampong
Job Title:
Medical Superintendent
Tetteh Quarshie Hospital opened in 1961. It is the main hospital in the Akuapem area and therefore a reasonably busy one. The hospital is setting up a library that is dependent on donations. Any medical books would be an appreciated contribution. The children’s ward always gratefully receives any toys and early learning equipment.
Typical Day:
Volunteers have the opportunity to work in numerous departments at the hospital. The most popular are: paediatrics, physiotherapy, the male and female medical wards, and the public health unit. Please make sure you bring a white medical jacket with you as they are extremely useful.
Project Structure:
You can join a doctor on ward rounds, who will be willing to answer questions about the varying cases, some of which may be shocking and extreme. You may attend out-patient clinics, visit clinical conferences, watch surgery if you are qualified, and if you are part way through your medical training, get involved in clinical research – possibly even giving your own presentation or assisting with a medical officer. Depending on your interests, confidence and ability you may yourself also carry out observations, tests, check BP and injections. Hours of work are flexible. Volunteers can work morning shift, afternoon or even night shifts.
Friday, April 30, 2010
Stress, Stress, Stress
But let's backup and tell you guys why I was so stressed out:
I got a SallieMae loan to help cover the costs of this trip and I was suppose to get my money on April 18th (which was a Sunday), so I gave them 2-3 business days to get my money to my school. When I found out that the money hadn't reached my school yet I called SallieMae and they said they forgot to release the money, but they would do it that day (Wednesday) just allow 2-3 business days. Allow I was upset over this, it was okay I could wait until Friday. So Friday comes and the money still hadn't gotten to my school, so I called again and I got the same story "sorry, we forgot to release the money, I will get a 24 hr work release and get the money to you on Monday." So here comes Monday and guess what, NO MONEY! So I call again, and they once again forgot. At this point I am more then frustrated with SallieMae and the run around they are giving me, more then a week late with my money and no one can explain it. So I go to my financial aid office and talk to my financial adviser, and he calls SallieMae. It turns out there was an internal problem within SallieMae and they just weren't handling the problem and they didn't know when I would be getting my money. Needless to say, my dreams of going to Africa were slipping, and I was in the process of finals and moving so this was the very last thing I wanted to deal with. But after a lot of phone calling, crying, freaking out and some very wonderful, wonderful people at my school it is all figured out :) My school is just advancing me my money and when my loan finally comes in they will just keep it. I am so blessed to have such great staff at my university and they couldn't have been more helpful...I truly appreciate everything they did for me.
Monday, April 19, 2010
I will fill my malaria pill prescription in the next week or two, get my last Hep. B shot on the 3rd of May, finishing packing my apartment all up, take my finals then go home to visit family before I leave...I think for the first time I am getting nervous. I'm certainly going to miss all my friends and family, but it's getting very real for the first time since I started planning this trip!
Other then that, just waiting for paperwork to go through and counting down the days!!!
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Why It Pays To Plan Early
I guess I might have paid a little extra to go through an airline company directly instead of a 3rd party because when things happen and you want answers quick, that doesn't happen! Either way hopefully they can figure it out :)
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
50 Days Left!!
I just received my passport back from the Ghanaian embassy with my Visa, so the only thing I have left is pay Projects Abroad and go shopping for the last remaining items! It's getting VERY CLOSE...50 more days!!!
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Yellow Fever Shot
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Mole National Park

Mole National Park is the largest and most frequently visited national park in Ghana. It is reasonably well set up to cater for tourists and although it is more expensive than many other parts of Ghana it is well worth a visit.
Mole has the widest range of wildlife in Ghana. You'll see elephants, antelope, bushbucks, monkeys, warthogs, baboons and other smaller wildlife.
It is rumored that lions exist in the park but even the wardens haven't seen any traces for a few years. The last lion sighting in August 2004 was immediately followed by serious poaching incident resulting in the capture and killing of a male lion the following day.
Wli Waterfall

Wli Waterfalls cascades from a height of 60-80 meters, and is the highest falls in West Africa. The hills mark the border between Ghana and neighboring Togo. A walk through the forest of the Agumatsa wildlife sanctuary offers a chance to see a large colony of fruit bats, butterflies, birds, monkeys and baboons. To get there one has to walk through the Rain Forest on a small footpath crossing 9 smaller streams in the process.
Busua Beach

Places To Visit While in Ghana: Kokrobite Beach Resort

25km west of Accra, Kokrobite is also home to the Academy of African Music and Arts.
One great little hostle is called Big Milly's Backyard. A small hotel for rucksack travellers. Simple. Cosy. A garden surrounded with walls with small houses, rooms, cold beer and a snack three times a day. Wendy is Big Milly. A somewhat elder English woman who found her spot in Ghana. Very nice setting and well worth the short drive out of Accra. Definitely worth the short drive out of Accra
Visa Application
- Visa Application (4 copies)
- 4 passport photos
- 4 letters of support from Projects Abroad
- Passport
- Pre-paid, self-addressed, traceable envelope
- $50 money order, cashiers check, or bank certified check (I got a money order from my bank).
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Projects Abroad
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Ticket is Booked!!!
I booked my ticket on and they had a lot more options and the prices were also a lot cheaper. I decided that I would pay a little bit more for an earlier flight and for a flight that only made one stop. So I paid $1,562.00 for my ticket and yes it is expensive, but so worth it!
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Facts About Accra

Accras the capital and most populous city of Ghana, a nation on the coast of the western region of Africa. The city also doubles as the capital of the Great Accra Region, and of the Accra Metropolis District. Among the attractions of Accra are the National Museum, with a display of exhibits that reflect the heritage of Ghana from prehistoric times to modern times, the National Theatre with its distinct modern architecture, the National Arts Center with local arts and crafts to suit all tastes,Independence Square, the Kwame Nkrumah Mausoleum, the Accra International Conference Centre, the Anglican Holy Trinity Cathedral, the fishing port at Jamestown and Makola Market.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
2 Months Away
- Study Abroad Fee: $100.00
- Program Fee: $4,415.00
- Accommodations: included
- Meals: included
- On-Site Transportation: $450.00
- Airfare: est. $2,500.00
- Passport and passport photos: $110.00
- Visas: $90.00 (I need to renew my Visa while out in Ghana)
- Immunizations: $1,194.10
- Health Insurance: included
- Personal Spending Money: $2,520.00 ($210 a week, $30 a day)
- Other: $621.43
While out in Ghana it will cost me about $10 to renew my visa including 2 more passport photos. My immunizations included the shots I talked about earlier and the malaria pill, Malarone, which cost $642.95 (for 100 pills), plus some prescriptions I had to get.
The website was a really helpful website about Ghana (you can choose whatever country you want) and it gave me the costs of transportation. I also decided to talk to other people that had been to Ghana and that was the most helpful part. Also my contact person from Projects Abroad in Ghana is incredibly helpful, so it is important to choose a program to go with that are good with communication.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Less Then 3 Months Away!
1) I'm now going alone, which is totally fine because this trip means a lot to me and I want to make the most out of the trip. And it's traveling to a 3rd world country and if someone can't handle that, then this trip is not for them! So off I go...and I'm so excited :)
2) I'm getting my budget together and it's about $10,000 plus right now with program costs and all of the travel things I need. It's a lot of money, but I just don't think you can put a price on this trip
3) I got a scholarship from the Political Science department at my school!!!!!! It's $3,000 and I couldn't be happier! It will help out a lot
3) In about a week, I will get my Yellow Fever Shot...not looking forward to that. I have heard that it takes a lot out of you so I'm going to get it on a Friday and lay low for the weekend.
4) In April I will get my last shot, Hep B
5) I will be getting my financial aid set and getting my plane ticket booked :) I will be going home for two weeks to see my family and then OFF TO AFRICA :)
Friday, January 22, 2010
I got Hepatitis A, Tetanus, and Polio today,so I have to go back in a month and get my Yellow Fever and flu shots. I got my prescription for my Typhoid (it is a liquid) and I take it once a day, every other day for 4 days. I will start that about 2 weeks before I I'll start taking that at the end of April! Also I got my prescription for Malaria, I will be taking Lariam, but if I get the bad dreams that sometimes happen with Lariam I will be switching to Malarone.
Lariam is taken 1 week prior to leaving, once a week while in Africa, and 4 weeks after we return. Malarone is taken 2 days prior to leaving, every day while in Africa, and 2 weeks after we return. So I'm hoping Lariam works, but once a week is much better then everyday and Malarone is pretty expensive.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
So Projects Abroad has a lot things included in our program fee:
Total: $4,145.00 which includes the following
- Accommodation
- Food
- Airport pick up and drop off
- Full travel insurance
- Medical insuranc
- In-country induction with a staff member upon arrival
- Support and 24 hour back-up from both our local and US/Canada staff
- Personalized MyProjectsAbroad page
- Pre-departure support from Desk Officer by email and phone
- Visa support (if applicable)
Projects Abroad also sets up our flights, so I looked ahead to get an idea of what the cost it. I'll be flying out of Minneapolis, MN and if I flew with Delta it's around $1700.00 with one layover at JFK. Trying to prepare for a 16 hour fly :(
Other cost we have to think about it is:
- Spending money
- Clothing
- Personal products
- Transportation within Ghana
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Change of Plans
For school, I will be registering for PS 490 credits (Political Science Internships credits) and during my time in Ghana I will be blogging about my experience. I will also have to write a paper about my time out there, and have an assessment paper that will need to be signed by my supervisor out there.
Now we just have to get the financial aid office to corporate a little bit more and we should be set to go!!!
123 DAYS TO GO !!!!!